Ten Million! That is the number of different colours that we can distinguish. No wonder we can not remember colours well enough to identify a particular shade. However, the quality criterion "colour" is becoming more and more important in every industry.

Uniform colour influences customers' likes and dislikes. This is of particular importance when the individual components of the final product are manufactured at different company sites, or even more complicated when several suppliers are involved.

Nick Harkness

Director. NHPL Colour.
Co-Founder. Colour Made Simple

Nick Harkness has worked in the field of instrumental appearance and colour measurement since 1981. His work has spanned the globe as he has worked with BYK Gardner (Germany), CyberChrome (USA), Konica Minolta (Japan), NCS AB (Sweden) and VeriVide (UK).

Nick commenced his colour training and consulting activities in 1999 as he saw a need in industry for a greater understanding of instrumental colour measurement and its application for quality control. His one-day colour course is highly regarded with a total attendance in excess of 1000 attendees from Australia’s leading manufacturing and research organizations. Nick’s training activities are international extending to England, Germany, India, New Zealand, South Africa and Thailand. Nick, in cooperation with Professor Steve Westland and Dr. Vien Cheung School of Design at the University of Leeds in the UK have created an online format for ‘Colour Made Simple”.

Nick was a member of the AIC Executive Committee from 2006 as an Ordinary Member (Chair of AIC Congress 2009), Secretary Treasurer (2010 – 2013), Vice-President 2014 - 2015, President (2016 - 2017) where he championed the new Student Papers Award and immediate Past-President (2018 – 2019).

Our Services

  • Colour Measurement Service

    Our latest service expansion: colour measurement for samples presenting challenges in size, finish, or shape. Our top-of-the-line colour measurement equipment will ensure accurate results for your unique testing requirements. Get in touch with us today to explore how we can address your specific testing needs.

  • Technical Colour Consulting

    Understanding how to define and maintain consistent colour is crucial. Nick Harkness has over 40 years experience in colour and quality control procedures across a vast array of industries that includes fashion, automotive, building and construction, food, packaging and many more

  • Testing Small Part

    Digital Colour Measurement on small parts. We offer remote colour measurement service for samples that are impossible to measure, this could be due to the shape and smallness of size of the sample.